
Monday, October 15, 2012

Abu Dhabi, the honeymoon period is officially OVER.

So I realized this Saturday as I was in tears, screaming at the taxi that had just tried to side swipe me, and driving back from the science festival that was supposed to be open but wasn't.......that my honeymoon love affair with Abu Dhabi is officially OVER.
Gone is the "wow this place is so nice and warm" "it's great here" "it's not so bad" and amusement at the terrible driving. Replacing them are "why is it still so f*cking hot" "seriously I don't understand how things can be THIS messed up" "I hate it here" and a bitter, angry resentment at every single other driver in the city.
Now let me clarify, I don't actually hate it here most days. But now there is definitely the odd day creeping in here and there that I just want to go home. I know I have it good here in Abu Dhabi compared to the rest of the Middle East, but part of me is starting to remember how good it was back home EVERY day. Unfortunately that part of my brain also seems to have forgotten that a good part of the year back home is spent below 0 degrees C!!!!!
This country is not that bad really, it allows us expats to celebrate pagan holidays such as Halloween, and even provides decorations and candy in the stores. Apparently at Christmas there is a Santa in the mall and you can buy trees and decorations. This puts it light years ahead of other countries in this region. I can get pretty much any type of food I can imagine here, and the shopping is world class. There are lots of classes and activities in English for Reese, fabulous schooling and lots of things to see and do in the region.

But it is definitely NOT home.

And even though home is heading into winter, and the roads are about to become complete and utter crap for the next 5-6 months, and we have to pay tax there,  it is still home. I miss the change of seasons, the smell of fall and the colours on the trees. I miss the cool days and the crisp mornings and evenings. I miss the anticipation of the first snow(and yes I know some of you roll your eyes at this but I still find the first snow exciting as it means that ski season is just THAT much closer!!!)  I miss my family, I miss my friends, I miss being cold and I miss the mountains. I miss Calgary and I miss working as a nurse.

I think the love affair has ended for my husband as well, and we are now looking at the next 18 months with a big sigh and an "all right we chose this....ready....steady..........GO" kind of attitude. We will unfortunately not be home this Christmas, which when we made the decision didn't seem all that bad, but now it is a tad disheartening.

But, the Burwell family are definitely adventurers, so we will try something new this Christmas. We will go to the beach on Christmas Day, which is something that none of us have ever done before. And we will make it through the next 18 months here in the desert.

Hopefully our next project will take us closer to home. 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

HAAD Licensing- the beginning of the journey

So like I said, this week I've decided I really want to go back to work as an RN full time. In my fantasy world I could accomplish this all by Christmas. In reality it is probably going to be Spring before I can ACTUALLY be licensed. Which SUCKS.

So here are the initial steps I've taken in case other nurses want to follow down this incredibly confusing and strange path.

Step 1- register with data flow for HAAD. I found out I'm exempt from the exam which is a big relief!!!
Step 2- Try to fill out the data flow and attach necessary documents.
Step 3- email IT help because the online forms won't actually LET me fill some fields out and then I can't submit that page because the field isn't filled out.
Step 4- Consider throwing computer out the window
Step 5- Yoga breathing
Step 6- Move on to something else. Email/Fax/Order online to request transcripts from the university and my HIGH SCHOOL(not sure why!!! If I have a nursing degree obviously I graduated high school!!!)
Step 7- research somewhere to get my CPR updated. FOUND ONE!!!!
Step 8- Attempt data flow on a different browser
Step 9- Give up in frustration and go watch Glee while drinking coffee.
Step 10- Wait for IT to get back to you...hopefully this week inshallah

Oh wow that was a QUICK response for this area of the world!!! Apparently I need to use it with internet explorer.....which can't be used on a mac since microsoft quit supporting it in 2005. So I'm now firing up Richard's little sony mini-laptop to try from there!!!! Ahhhhh I just love websites that are stuck in the "we only use internet explorer" world.....move on people!!!!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Barcelona CM Walk 2012


Barcelona CM Walk 2012, a set on Flickr.

Amazing Barcelona

It's been a while.....

Yeah...I went away for most of August to escape the pure insanity of the heat!!!

Then we got back to Abu Dhabi and Reese started school and my grandmother in Wales passed away quite suddenly and so I was back to Wales for a few days to grieve with the family :(
Then Reese turned FOUR!!!! I KNOW!!! She's FOUR YEARS OLD!!!!!
Then I was in Barcelona for a weekend(I'll post some pictures I promise) and we also had bad news from England as Richard's brother was in an accident and is quite ill. So all in all I haven't had time to blog since getting home until right now.

I'm also taking a masters course this semester called the philosophical foundations of nursing, which as you can imagine is thrilling(heavy sarcasm). It started off quite interesting but now I'm just wishing that the people who wrote the articles that I'm reading would just write in proper English rather than using fancy, massive words for everything. It makes my head hurt to read the articles!!

So here I go, attempting to catch up on the blog......again.
I've currently come to the realization that I would really like to return to nursing while here so today was also spent trying to figure out if that is going to be possible! I've been offered THREE jobs here so far without ever asking for one so hopefully finding work will be easy as long as CARNA back home says I can renew my license.(its all based on practice hours and I haven't practiced in two years!!!)