
Sunday, February 12, 2012

I think I scare the locals

All the locals in my area gave me a wide berth BEFORE the dogs arrived and now they practically run in the other direction. I realize that compared to them I must look very odd and foreign indeed. I'm 5'10 compared to their 5'0-5'4 and I have fair skin and blue eyes. Add to that the fact that I'm a western woman waltzing around their area of town, and I'm walking and carrying my own things. They look at me like I'm a complete freak of nature!!!!
The dogs add a whole other dimension to it, people literally just stare at them while backing up!!!        I know that in many of these people's home countries, domestic dogs are unheard of, and the only experience they have with dogs are wild ones. So, because of this, I'm quite understanding when they practically throw themselves into holes in the wall to avoid the dogs. I even try to keep the dogs on the opposite side of me so that they don't have to go to such extreme measures!
My mother has been asking me if I'm safe in this area that I live in and after walking over the last few days I can definitely say yes. I think if Cadbury growled or barked at one of the locals they might actually have a heart attack from fright.
Cadbury has been having a field day with the alley cats and her walk is not complete unless she gets to see one. If there is a walk where she doesn't see any cats you can SEE the disappointment as she shuffles back inside, longingly looking back over her shoulder. Its HILARIOUS. Obviously I don't let her NEAR any of the cats because the poor little blights already have a tough enough life without having to worry about my gimpy chocolate labrador being overly nosy.
We're also trying to persuade Henry not to pee RIGHT in front of the door to the lobby, we do this by breaking into a very slow jog as soon as we walk out the door so he at least makes it halfway down the sidewalk. Henry is not at all impressed with this new part of his routine.
And if the locals didn't already think I was off my rocker, the vet has asked me to get a urine sample from Henry, so I will have to put on the good old medical gloves tomorrow morning and try to catch his pee.......charming. I hope to god no one is watching me when I do it!!!! The vet offered to use ultrasound and a needle to get some urine but I figure the least I can do for poor Henry is have him avoid that particularly painful sounding procedure.
Wish me luck!!

1 comment:

  1. bwahahahaha! images of obtaining a sample and their thoughts on that!
    Is his obsession with alley cats in corellation with your alley obsession?? ;)
