
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Today's adventure is brought to you by: CAMEL MILK

Camel milk has kept people in this part of the world alive for thousands of years. My sister had camel milk creme brulee at one of the restaurants we went to out in the desert and it was YUMMY! Camel milk chocolate is also quite good. Today Reese and I thought we would start our summer vacation off with a bang by trying the local milk. Reese was SUPER excited to try the camel milk!

Apparently camel milk is much better for the environment in this area since dairy farming uses up so much electricity and water, whereas camels can survive on very salty plants and do not require as much water as a cow.

The benefits of camel milk are:

-that it is low in lactose compared to cow's milk, so people like me who get stomach aches after drinking regular milk, are totally fine after drinking camel milk!!!!

-It has higher(within healthy normal) levels of potassium, magnesium, iron, copper, manganese, sodium and zinc compared to cow's milk.

-Cholesterol levels in camel milk are lower than in cow or goat milk.

-It three times the amount of Vitamin C found in cow's milk! WOW and ten times the amount of iron!!

-Also high in unsaturated fatty acids and B vitamins.

-The fat content is similar to that of cow's milk

The average camel can produce around 6-9 L of milk per day and apparently can still produce this even when eating small amounts of food and without water. Camels can go 21 days without water so this makes the camel the winner in the milk division here in the desert and in parts of the world where fresh water is scarce.  Pretty sure the cows would die within a few days without water. 

Reese was so excited and then did NOT like it at all!!!! It had a bit of a different taste to milk and at first I didn't like it either but after I took a few more sips it actually didn't taste that bad and not THAT different from cow's milk.  I finished my glass and Reese's and I probably wouldn't sit down and drink a glass of it for fun, but I'd use it in cereal or baking!!


  1. Do the locals drink this instead of cow's milk? Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if you didn't think that it came from a giant spitting camel while you were drinking it.

  2. cute pictures of your lil one. where can i buy camel milk like this? i think i should try it too. lol.

  3. @ Kelly- yeah that could definitely be part of the problem!!!

    @ Aplonie. Thanks and you can find it at any of the major grocery stores, I got ours at Lulu :)
